Photos: Ally Amore, Paola Aguirre

Bronzeville (+)
Bronzeville (+) is a scaled map of Bronzeville drawn in the grounds of the Anthony Overton Elementary School, intended as an interactive tool for guided tours, conversations, and mapping processes to create spatial awareness of the neighborhood. A follow up to Chicago Extra-Large (2017), which mapped the public schools closed in 2013, Bronzeville (+) aims to visualize the neighborhood’s spatial dimensions and highlight its formal and informal assets while creating a place for local encounters and fostering exploratory walks.
Project Team + Collaborators:
Paola Aguirre (Borderless Studio)
Lianne Ahn
Matt Weiss
Valerie Wong
Jessica Moon
Lily Hernandez
Christina Harris
Ladipo Famodu
Kerwit Williams
Camille Applewhite
Kacie Smith
Lauren Burdette
Melis Simsek
Stacey Adams
Chandra Rouse